CHILDREN's Mental Health
Here at St Mary’s we recognise that to fulfil our mission statement ‘Growing together in God’s love’ our children need the foundations of positive mental health to be able to achieve academically, socially and personally. We want to ensure our children thrive by encouraging them to look after their mental health and also through teaching them strategies to use when they are finding things difficult. At St Mary’s we aim to promote positive mental health for every pupil and member of staff.
Senior Leaders (Headteacher and SENDCO) are trained as qualified Mental Health First Aiders.
Strategies we use to support health, mental health and well-being include:
- We will appropriately promote the health, well-being and mental health of pupils across the subjects of the curriculum taking account of their age and stage. We will celebrate Children’s Mental Health week annually.
- Staff will help pupils to acquire the relevant knowledge and understanding of the human body and how it works and of the social and emotional factors that influence health. The children will benefit from Worship sessions that focus on good mental health as well as focused class activities.
- We have a ‘designated senior leader for mental health’ and a link governor for mental health with responsibility for the oversight of this policy and strategy for ensuring the mental well-being of all at St Mary’s.
- All staff will encourage pupils to make informed choices and take appropriate decisions to help ensure that they understand the importance of a healthy lifestyle that also promotes good mental health.
- We will foster links between school, home and community and appropriate outside agencies so that all are involved in a collective responsibility for promoting good health and good mental health.
- We will pay attention to the six areas of health and well-being across the curriculum, these will include mental, emotional, social and physical and spiritual well-being; planning for choices and changes; physical education and physical activity and sport; food and healthy eating; the dangers of substance misuse and relationships.
- We will use the work-load policy and strategy to promote health and well-being, including the mental health of pupils, staff and all who work in this school
- We will ensure that the curriculum, homework, testing and assessment and teaching and learning strategies take account of pupil’s well-being and mental health.
- We will provide safe and healthy working conditions for all in school.
This school is committed to promoting and maintaining the good health and well-being, and mental health, of everyone here and we will work together with parents and the local community and appropriate outside agencies to enable pupils to make healthy informed choices and to promote the health, mental health and well-being of all.
All children will be assessed annually through a healthy minds whole class screener with regard to their well-being and engagement in school. This information will then be used to identify children who require additional support and involvement. We have a mental health pathway that staff use to ensure we have a graduated response to the needs of our children who may be experiencing mental health difficulties.
We are committed to both raising awareness of and increasing understanding of mental health and the difficulties some people may encounter. A distinctive feature of our school is the supportive, nurturing and caring environment we have created. Our staff deliver a consistent approach ensuring our school environment and ethos promote the mental health of the whole school community.
Quality first teaching for social, emotional and mental health support all our children.
Examples of the provision in school which contributes to our healthy environment for children:
- Links with St Mary’s Church, Children’s Pastor leads worship, runs a Christian club and prayer space in school.
- Participate in activities that nurture feelings of belonging for example P4C, Circle Time, Mindfulness activities and team work games.
- We have a Place2Be counsellor in school each Wednesday and children can be referred to this service by their teacher or by parents.
- Celebrate academic and non-academic achievements e.g. Worship, displays, newsletters to parents etc.
- Support the younger children in their roles as friendly listeners, classroom helpers and lunchtime servers.
- Have access to classroom Reflection Areas.
- Take part in decision making for example choosing a class reader, deciding on an area of continuous provision or electing members of school council, eco council, sports council etc.
- Year 6 can attend the twice weekly Getaway, which is an opportunity to be creative in the classroom and ‘getaway’ from any worries they may have.
- Are taught and supported by adults who model positive and appropriate behaviours and interactions.
- Have access to a Pastoral Mentor and well-being teaching assistant, who have timetabled sessions available to meet with and support children who are experiencing difficulties.
- Experience Restorative Practice and are encouraged to resolve their disputes with age appropriate support
- Access an enriching PE curriculum alongside before and after school clubs and lunchtime activities.
- Have their strengths and difficulties recognised, acknowledged and challenged appropriately.
St Mary's Staff have produced leaflets to support parents:
Mental Health and wellbeing support:
Below are resources which parents may find informative and useful. No one approach is recommended by school and parents should always contact their GP and/or school if they are concerned about their child's mental health.
Chat Health Young people aged 11-16 years from a Trafford school can send a text message, they don’t have to give their name. They will receive confidential advice from a trained school health professional. The nurses can support with a whole range of topics including mental health and wellbeing. Text 07312 263 056. If you attend school outside Trafford go to the website and you can find nurses in your area:
Trafford CAMHS: provides support for children and young people aged 0-18 years (including those with disabilities), where there are concerns related to their mental / emotional health / wellbeing. Referral is via a health professional e.g. GP/social worker/school nurse, self- referrals/parents are also accepted. Trafford CAMHS: 0161 549 6456 (Mon–Fri 9am – 5pm)
Talkshop, Streetalk and Connexions: To speak to a Youth Worker about anything at all (Relationships, something to do, health and wellbeing, referral to other services etc.) Call 0161 912 2453 or email
Kooth (11-25 year olds): Anonymous online counselling, advice and mental health support. Fully moderated forums and Self-help materials which are available 24/7, and qualified counsellors and therapists available from 12pm- 10pm (Mon-Fri and 6pm-10pm Sat-Sun). Register online at:
42nd Street (13-25 years): Provides mental health and wellbeing support. 42nd Street can be contacted on: 0161 228 0528. New referrals for digital support are available at present:
Papyrus: Information and advice for young people (under 35 years old) who may be at risk for harming themselves OR concerned others e.g. parent/carer FREE HOPELINEUK: 0800 068 41 41 Text: 07860 039967 Email:
Shout: 24/7 FREE text service, for anyone in crisis, if someone is struggling to cope and needs immediate help. Text Shout to 85258
Samaritans: 116 123 (free 24-hour helpline) if people are feeling stressed/anxious.
The Proud Trust- Rainbow Reflections: Rainbow Reflections is a Trafford youth group for lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans people or those questioning their gender or sexuality who are under 25 years old run by the Proud Trust. To join or for more information about the group, young people should contact Hebe Phillips, Lead Youth Worker by phone, email / 07712 660 202 or via the Proud Trust website
Trafford Virtual Mental Wealth Hub: The Virtual Mental Wealth hub is a collaboration between stakeholders in Trafford to provide a single point of access which will link and signpost to information, advice and guidance relating to anxiety and mental health needs in Trafford. The information is intended for schools, families and young people, but professionals should also find useful resources here- If you cannot find links, advice or guidance around a particular issue relating to mental health and anxiety, please e-mail and we will do our best to include it.
Trafford Sunrise provides support for children aged 5-12 years in coping with stress, learning how to relax and promoting emotional wellbeing.
We support parents in learning about their child’s emotional wellbeing. Groups are available across the Trafford borough.
Trafford Sunrise / Just Psychology
The Department for Education have published The Education Hub: Mental Health Resources for Children, Students, Parents, Carers and School/College Staff
Self-care toolkit - Mental Healthy Schools (Anna Freud, National Centre for Children and Families
Mindfulness Activities for Children
Partnership for Children: 'We offer a series of school-based programmes to help young children around the world to communicate effectively, cope with their anxieties and difficulties, and to develop skills for life.'
Thrive: 'The Thrive Approach can provide you with pointers to help create positive experiences that support their wellbeing and build their emotional resilience.'
Bereavement Support:
Greater Manchester Bereavement Information Service: A confidential information service for people bereaved or affected by a bereavement. The Bereavement Information Service has been set up to help answer your questions – whether it is seeking advice on immediate issues that need addressing or making you aware of ongoing support services.
The telephone line 0161 983 0902 is open Monday to Friday 9am – 5pm excluding Bank holiday. Alternatively contact via email on:
If you need to speak with someone at a weekend about a bereavement, please call NHS Bereavement Helpline on 0800 2600 400, available 8am to 8pm every day. This confidential service is for people living in: Bolton – Bury – Manchester – Oldham – Rochdale – Salford – Stockport – Tameside – Trafford – Wigan
Grief Encounter (Grief talk helpline for parents and young people call 0808 802 0111). Open weekday’s 9am-9pm, trained staff can offer bereavement support over the phone or you can chat via confidential web-chat service. Website has advice and support for parents.
Winston’s Wish: support for bereaved children, their families and professionals. FREE Helpline: 08088 020 021 Open Mon-Fri; 9am-5pm Email
Hope Again: Support for children & young people affected by the death of someone close. FREE Helpline: 0808 808 1677 Email: Open Mon-Fri; 9:30am - 5:00pm.
Bereavement Information & resources:
Support After Suicide:
Shining a Light on Suicide:
Supporting Your Child with Grief and Loss:
Conversation starters for parents:
Hope Again: This is the youth website of Cruse Bereavement Care. It is a safe place where young people can learn from other young people, how to cope with grief, and feel less alone.
Step by Step (Samaritans) resources for organisations working with young people so that they can respond effectively following the suspected or attempted suicide of someone from within their community.