St Mary's Church of England Primary School & Nursery

Growing Together in God's Love to Achieve Excellence


Governor Remits



1.            The committee will consist of 6 governors. On deciding the membership of the committee, the Board must consider the need to retain governors with relevant skills and experience to aid decision making over the medium and long term whilst also recognising the need to develop governors and build capacity for succession.

At least one of the Chair or Vice Chair are an automatic member. Where the Headteacher is a governor, they will be an automatic member.

At least one member of the committee must not have served on the committee in the previous academic year.

2.            Quorum will be three members of the committee of which the Headteacher will be one.

3.            Meetings are held as required to consider:

i)             Admission to the Reception class

To consider the applications received from Trafford LA and, in the case of over subscription, apply the criteria as detailed in the Admissions Policy by reference to the School Supplementary Application Form.

ii)            Review of Admission Policies

To review the Admission Policies of the Nursery and the School.

The Chair in consultation with the Headteacher will be responsible for calling meetings.

4.            Function.

                The functions of the committee are:

  1. to admit children children to the school.
  2. redraft the Nursery and School admissions policies when required.
  3. to minute the actions taken by the committee and report them to the next full Board of Governors’ meeting.


Terms of reference:

•             To consider any appeal against a decision to dismiss a member of staff made by the Hearings Committee*

•             To consider any appeal against a decision short of dismissal under the Board of Governors’ personnel procedures e.g. disciplinary, grievance, capability*

•             To consider any appeal against selection for redundancy*

*cannot be delegated to an individual

Membership – no fewer members than the Hearings Committee and subject to impartiality and availability.

Disqualification – The Headteacher, any members of the Hearings Committee

(It is suggested that only experienced governors be appointed to this committee and that the Chair of Governors, due to probable prior knowledge, should not be a member)


1.            The committee will consist of 6 governors and any other co-opted member the governors may decide. On deciding the membership of the committee, the Board must consider the need to retain governors with relevant skills and experience to aid decision making over the medium and long term whilst also recognising the need to develop governors and build capacity for succession.

At least one of the Chair or Vice Chair are an automatic member. Where the Headteacher is a governor, they will be an automatic member.

At least one member of the committee must not have served on the committee in the previous academic year.              

At least one governor in addition to the Headteacher, should have received appropriate training on evaluating the ISDR/ASP.

2.            Quorum will be three people one of which must be the Headteacher.

3.            A meeting will be held (where data is available):

i)             to examine the pupil results of national tests of the previous Summer.

ii)            to reassess any targets set for the coming Summer.

iii)           to set pupil targets as necessary.

iv)           to examine any reports such as the ISDR/ASP.

v)            to review the school’s ‘Achievement’ section of the SEF .

vi)           to review the performance of groups of pupils including those children who are disadvantaged.

vii)          to review any other pupil achievement deemed necessary.

vii)          to receive curriculum implementation documentation.

The chair in consultation with the Headteacher will be responsible for calling meetings.


Terms of reference:

•             To arrange to meet with the External Adviser to discuss the Headteacher’s performance targets.

•             To decide, with the support of the External Adviser, whether the targets have bee met and to set new targets annually.

•             To monitor through the year the performance of the Headteacher against the targets.

•             To make recommendations to the Finance Committee in respect of awards for the successful meeting of targets set.

Membership – Three Governors of which at least two of the members must be Foundation Governors. Must include the Chair or Vice Chair of Governors.

Quorum - The quorum shall be two members of the committee

External Advisor – Julie Hyslop

Disqualification –The Headteacher and Staff Governors


Terms of reference:

•             To make any determination to dismiss any member of staff (unless delegated to the Headteacher).

•             To make any decisions under the Board of Governors’ personnel procedures e.g. disciplinary, grievance, capability where the Headteacher is the subject of the action*.

•             To make any decisions relating to any member of staff other than the Headteacher, under the Board of Governors’ personnel procedures (unless delegated to the        Headteacher).

•             To make any determination or decision under the Board of Governors’ General Complaints Procedure for Parents and others.

*cannot be delegated to an individual

Membership – not less than 3 members of the Board of Governors subject to impartiality and availability.

(NB. The number appointed to this committee directly affects the number required for an Appeal Committee)

Disqualification – Any compromised governor (prior knowledge or personal connection).


1)            Membership

The membership of the committee will be five governors or such other number as the Board of Governor directs.

The Headteacher will be an automatic member when considering appointing a Deputy Headteacher.

In establishing this committee the Board of Governors should have regard to the availability of its members during the day and/or term-time for the recruitment and selection.

The committee will elect from their number a chair and vice-chair at the first meeting of each academic year.

2)            Quorum

The quorum shall be three members of the committee (of which the Headteacher shall be one when appointing a Deputy Headteacher).

3)            Meetings

Meetings will be held during term time as required to carry out the functions of the committee.  One week’s notice of the agenda should be given by the chair of the committee when convening a meeting other than in such cases when more urgent timescales may be necessary.

4)            Functions

Appoint a Headteacher or Deputy Headteacher. In addition officers from the LA and/or Diocese may be invited.  The full Board of Governor must approve the candidate recommended for appointment of the Headteacher by that selection panel.


1.            Membership:

The committee will consist of 6 governors and any other co-opted member the governors may decide. On deciding the membership of the committee, the Board must consider the need to retain governors with relevant skills and experience to aid decision making over the medium and long term whilst also recognising the need to develop governors and build capacity for succession.

At least one of the Chair or Vice Chair are an automatic member. Where the Headteacher is a governor, they will be an automatic member.

At least one member of the committee must not have served on the committee in the previous academic year. 

Where discussion is to take place regarding any individual’s pay or other matter which the committee feel may be open to challenge, up to two members who do not work at the school should withdraw from the meeting. The remaining governors should still be quorate and be of an odd number in case a vote is required. It will appear in the minutes where these governors have left and returned to the meeting. These governors would now be eligible to sit on a Hearing Committee or Appeals Committee as their impartiality has been retained. 

2.            Quorum:

The quorum shall be four members of the committee of which the Headteacher shall be one.

3.            Meetings:

Meetings will be held at least each term.  One week’s notice of the agenda should be given when convening a meeting. The Headteacher and Chair of the committee will be jointly responsible for calling meetings.

4.            Function:

The main function of the Resources Committee will be to advise the Headteacher on the general financial, buildings and personnel management of the school which has been delegated to them by the full Board of Governors.

As part of the delegation of the day to day financial management of the school, the Headteacher will have full delegated powers to authorise expenditure or vire public funds in line with the agreed budget not in excess of £10,000. All virement of monies is reported to the Resources Committee.

The committee will have delegated powers to authorise the expenditure or virement of public and non-public funds of an amount of money not in excess of £25,000.

The committee will:

Approve any policies delegated by the full Board of Governors.

Receive any Health and Safety reports.

Consider the financial out-turn figures for the previous financial year and will assist the Headteacher in drawing up the outline budget for the forthcoming financial year.

Receive pay recommendations made by the Headteacher. The committee will annually review and where necessary amend the staffing structure.

Hear appeals on conditions of employment resulting from a decision taken by the Headteacher.

Agree the school’s budget (signed by the Chair of the Resources Committee) for that current financial year to the Local Authority by the 30th June.

Consider all the school’s financial resources, public and non-public, when planning capital projects taking into account any priorities within the school’s 5 year building plan.

Review budget monitoring reports and assist the Headteacher in monitoring the budget.

Advise the Headteacher on measures to be taken to correct variance.

Initially receive non-public funds prior to presentation to the full Board of Governors.

Review charges for school services.

Undertake any self-evaluation required by the SFVS.

Consider financial benchmarking data

Review Finance Manuals before presenting to the full Board of Governors.

Ensure school’s financial practices operate within the Local Authority Scheme for Financing Schools.